Privacy and Cookies Policy


In compliance with art. 10 of Law 34/2002, of the 11st of July, on services of the information
society and electronic commerce, we inform you that the responsIble of this website is:

C.I.F / N.I.E. / PASSPORT: E54852066
TELEPHONE: 965780825
E-MAIL: [email protected]


1.- AIM.
These conditions for general use (henceforth CGU), regulate the access and use of the Website
under the domain (henceforth Website), owned by “SEGWAY TRIP
DENIA, C.B.” (henceforth DENIA EXPERIENCE), made available to the users (henceforth User/s).
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use and access to the Website or these CGU,
you can contact us through the contact information published in the Legal Notice.

The use of this Website implies the full acceptance by the User of the existing CGU at the time the
User accessed to this Website. If they are not accepting of any of the conditions established
herein they should abstain from using the Website.
Accordingly, the User shall carefully read the CGU each time they decide to use the Website.
In any case, DENIA EXPERIENCE reserves the right to modify, without prior notice and at any
time the CGU. Similarly, DENIA EXPERIENCE reserves the right to suspend, interrupt, or cease to
operate the Website at any time.

By “Website use”, it is meant all Users accessing and browsing this Website independently of
filling the registration forms.
The access to the Website and/or the Contents included in it, does not imply any kind guarantee
with respect to suitability of the Website and/or the Contents included in it, for specific or
particular purposes of the Users.
DENIA EXPERIENCE may establish additional limitations and/or conditions for use and/or access
to the Website and/or the Contents, which shall be observed at all times by Users.
3.1.- Access and Use of the Website.
Unless otherwise provided, the use of the Website shall be free of charge, without prejudice to the
connection through the corresponding telecommunications network contracted by the User.
The User admits to being over the age of eighteen years, therefore is conscious of and voluntarily
and explicitly accepts that the use of the Website is done at all times under only their own
exclusive responsibility.
The User is obliged to comply with the CGU, as well as to comply with the special notices or
instructions found on the Website and to act always in accordance to the law, good practice and
the responsibilities of good faith, employing their maximum attention taking into account the
nature and compensation of the service they enjoy. To this effect, they shall abstain from using
the Website in any way that can block, damage or deteriorate the normal functioning of the
Website, the property or right of DENIA EXPERIENCE, suppliers, distributers, other Users, or any
third party in general.
Specifically and without causing any restriction to the obligation assumed by the User complying
in a general nature with the previous section, the User is obliged during the use of the Website:
a) Do not introduce, store or disseminate, on or from the Website, any information or material
that is defamatory, offensive, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, pornographic, apologia for
terrorism, incites violence, discriminatory to race, sex, ideology, religion or that in some way
subverts public order, fundamental rights, public liberty, honour, privacy or the appearance of
third parties and in general the current legislation.
b) Do not introduce, store or disseminate via the Website any computer program, data, virus,
code or any other instrument or electronic or physical device capable of causing harm to the
Website, any of the services, or any of the equipment, systems or networks of DENIA
EXPERIENCE, of any User, of the Suppliers or Distributers of DENIA EXPERIENCE or in
general of any third party, capable of causing any type of alteration or prevent the normal
functioning of the Website.
c) Do not introduce, store or disseminate via the Website any content that infringes intellectual
and industrial property right, or the rights of a third party, or in general, any content to which
they do not exercise the rights, in accordance with the law, to make available to third parties.

3.2.- Access and Use of Content.
The Contents of the Website are available to the User with information sourced from its own and
third parties.
DENIA EXPERIENCE ensures that the Contents are of the highest possible quality and are
reasonably updated, but does not guarantee the usefulness, accuracy, comprehensiveness,
pertinence and/or relevance of the Contents.
Via the CGU no intellectual or industrial property rights about the Website or any of its integrated
elements are conceded, and are expressly forbidden to the User their copy, transformation, public
communication, making available, extraction, reuse, forwarding, or the use in any form, along any
means or procedure, from any of them, unless in those cases where it is legally permitted or is
authorised by the owner of the corresponding rights.
The User shall be able to display and obtain a temporary private copy of the Contents for their
exclusive personal and private use on their computer systems (software and hardware), provided
without the purpose to develop any commercial or professional activities. The User should abstain
from obtaining, or attempting to obtain, the Contents through means or procedures different to
those that in each case was made available or indicated for that purpose or those that they usually
use on the Internet (as long as these latter do not put at risk of damage or deactivation of the
Website). The User should respect, at all times, all the intellectual and industrial property rights
concerning the Website, owned by DENIA EXPERIENCE or third parties.
5.1.- Disclaimer of Guarantees and Responsibility for the Functioning of the Website.
DENIA EXPERIENCE does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the functioning of the
Website and the services and Contents found in it, or that the content on the Website is updated,
being exempted from all responsibility for damages or harm, of any nature, that could arise from
such circumstances.
DENIA EXPERIENCE shall carry out, providing circumstances do not arise that make it impossible
or of difficult implementation, and as soon as having been notified of the errors, disconnections
and/or lack of updating of the Contents, all those actions meant to rectify the errors, re-establish
communication and/or update the referred to contents.
Likewise, DENIA EXPERIENCE does not guarantee either the technical reliability of its Website,
nor the access to its different pages, and in the same way being exempted of all responsibility for
any damages or harm, of any nature, that could arise from this cause.
Furthermore, DENIA EXPERIENCE is not responsible for the possible security flaws or deficiencies
that may arise from use of a browser by a User, which was not properly updated or secured or for
the damages, errors or inaccuracies that may arise from the malfunctioning of it.
With the aim of reducing the risk of introducing a virus onto the Website, use virus detection

programs to control all of the Contents introduced to the Website. Nevertheless, DENIA
EXPERIENCE does not guarantee the absence of viruses, or other elements on the Website
introduced by third parties external DENIA EXPERIENCE that may cause alterations to the
hardware or software systems of the Users or in the digital documents and catalogues contained
within its systems. As a result, DENIA EXPERIENCE shall not be under any circumstances
responsible of any damages or harm, of any nature, which may derive from the presence of a virus
or other elements that can produce alterations in the software or hardware systems, files or
catalogues of the Users.
DENIA EXPERIENCE employs various protection measures to protect the Website, the gathered
data and the Contents against digital, attacks from third parties. Nevertheless, DENIA
EXPERIENCE does not guarantee that unauthorised third parties could have access to the type of
browsing and use of the Website enjoyed by the User or the conditions, characteristics and
circumstances in which they are made. As a result, DENIA EXPERIENCE shall not be in any case
responsible for the damages or harm that may be derived from such unauthorised access.
DENIA EXPERIENCE shall not be in any case responsible for the use that the Users and/or third
parties could put the Website or the Contents to, nor the damages and harm that could derive
from it.
5.2.- Disclaimer of Guarantees and Responsibility for the Contents.
DENIA EXPERIENCE does not edit Contents published by third parties on the Website and, as a
consequence, does not guarantee nor be responsible for the legality, reliability, usefulness,
veracity, accuracy comprehensiveness and relevance of such Content, as well as the Contents
owned by DENIA EXPERIENCE. DENIA EXPERIENCE shall not be, in any circumstances,
responsible for any damages or harm that may be derived from: (i) the absence of legality,
reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness and/or relevance of the Contents caused from third
parties and its own; (ii) the inadequacy for any reason and the disappointing of expectations
generated by the Contents; (iii) decisions or actions taken or avoided on the part of the User,
trusting in the information or data provided in the Contents, including without limitation, the loss
of profits or business opportunities.
Those people proposing to establish Hyperlinks between their web page and the Website should
observe and comply with the following conditions:

i. It shall not be necessary to seek prior authorisation when the
Hyperlink only allows access to the homepage of the Website, but
shall not be able to reproduce it in any way. Any other type of
Hyperlink shall require the unequivocal, express and written
authorisation from DENIA EXPERIENCE.

ii. The web page on which the Hyperlink is established can only
contain strictly the necessary to identify the destination of the

iii. The web page on which the Hyperlink is established shall not

contain illicit information or content, contrary to morality and
generally accepted good practice and to public order, as well as
not containing content contrary to any rights of third parties.
iv. DENIA EXPERIENCE reserves the right to block the Hyperlinks
directed to the Website which do not have previous express
permission even when complying with the provisions described in
this point of the General Conditions.

DENIA EXPERIENCE reserves the right to exercise all lawful available action to demand the
responsibilities that derive from the breach of contract of any of the provisions of these General
Conditions of the Website by a User.
The declaration of any of the clauses contained within these General Conditions as null, invalid or
ineffective shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining, which shall continue to be
binding between the parties.
The present CGU govern in accordance with Spanish legislation.
Any controversy relative to the terms of use and access to this Website contained in the present
document of the CGU of the Website, the parties submit, expressly relinquishing any other
jurisdiction that may correspond to them, unless legal necessity determines otherwise, to the
Courts of Dénia.
For notifications, DENIA EXPERIENCE designates as point of contact specified in the Legal Notice.
The email provided by the User during the registration process on the Website, shall be used by
DENIA EXPERIENCE to affect the practice of notifying the User.
The User is obliged to diligently maintain those details respecting to notifications referenced in
this here clause.
All the Notifications affected by DENIA EXPERIENCE to the User shall be considered legitimately
affected if they have been made employing the details and through the means previously
indicated. DENIA EXPERIENCE shall not be responsible for any harm that could pass due to the
violation of the User in their obligation to maintain their contact details updated.


On the one hand «SEGWAY TRIP DENIA, C.B.», hereinafter DENIA EXPERIENCE, whose other identifying
details are contained in the Legal Notice and owner of the domain, hereinafter
Website, and on the other hand; the User who contracts the services offered on the Website.
These general conditions of reservation, hereinafter CGR, govern the booking contracts between DENIA
EXPERIENCE and the User regardless of the channel in which it has been made: Website, e-mail or by
The User, who declares that he/she has sufficient legal capacity* to enter into a contract, shall be bound
by these terms and conditions as soon as he/she makes a reservation through any of the above-mentioned
The terms and conditions may be subject to unilateral modification by DENIA EXPERIENCE without prior
notice, however, the User will be bound to the terms and conditions in force at the time of booking.
Any special conditions that may be applicable, or the modification of these terms and conditions, must be
formalised by means of a separate document, which, in order to be effective, must be signed by both
* LEGAL LIMITATIONS: It is understood that the User is not a minor under 18 years of age. Minors are technically
restricted from registering on this website and therefore may not make purchases or reservations, in compliance with
legal regulations. Data submitted by minors will not be processed, as this is prohibited by law..
3.1.- Obligations of DENIA EXPERIENCE:
Ø To provide the services in accordance with the GCR and without breaching contractual good faith.
Ø Make available to the User the CGR and the particular conditions, if any, are applicable.

Ø To send the User a receipt or invoice for the contracted services.
3.2.- Obligations of the User:
Ø To carry out full compliance with the provisions of the CGR and, where appropriate, of the
particular conditions that may apply.
Ø Complete the registration forms with accurate and current information. The User shall be solely
responsible for the accuracy and updating of the information.
Ø Keep the confidentiality of the information provided and immediately notify the loss, loss, theft,
robbery, illegitimate access, as well as its knowledge by third parties.
Ø Respect the number of members established in the reserve.
Ø To act in a diligent way, conforming at all times to the canons of good usage and contractual good
faith throughout the life of the contractual relationship.
Reservations can be made, as indicated above, through three channels: Website, e-mail or telephone call.
In order to book the ACTIVITIES AT SEA, the User must enter the website in “ACTIVTIES AT SEA” and
select the one he/she wants to do, once selected, he/she wil be able to see the availibility of days and
The activiities that can be done at sea with DENIA EXPERIENCE are the following:
Ø Jet Ski
· Jet Ski excursion to Marines – duration 40 minutes – 90,00.-€
· Jet Ski excursion to Cabo San Antonio – duration 1 hour – 130,00.-€
· Jet Ski excursion to Cabo La Nao – duration 2 hours – 180,00.-€
· Jet Ski excursion + Breakfast to Cabo La Nao – duration 2 hours and 30 minutes – 195,00.-€
The Booking of one of these excursions includes: The latest BRP motorbikes, accident insurance,
qualified and experienced jet ski instructor, showers after the activity and free photos in digital format.
On the excursions, once equipped, you will start the route passing through those places to the chosen
destination. The DENIA EXPERIENCE excursions are designed for the whole family.
The DENIA EXPERIENCE instructors adapt the jet ski excursion depending on what the User is looking for,
whether it is an adrenaline rush or a quiet excursion so that the User enjoys one of the best activities to do
in Dénia.
The price is per motorbike, two people can go on the same motorbike and they can change driving as long
as the instructor gives them permission.
The minimum age to drive the jet ski is 16 years old with parental authorisation.
The activity starts at the Marina de Dénia, 03700 Dénia, Alicante.

Ø Kayak
· Excursion in Kayak Las Rotas – duration 1 hour and 30 minutes – 40,00.-€
· Kayak Excursion Cova Tallada (KAYAK + SNORKELLING + SPELEOLOGY) – duration 2 hours and 30
minutes – 60,00.-€
Reservations for these excursions include: Kayak, paddles, kayak seats, life jackets and disinfected
snorkelling goggles, accident insurance and a qualified and experienced kayak instructor. During the
excursion, the instructor will take photos which will be passed on to the User free of charge.
The activity starts and ends on the Barranc del Mony, provincial road, next to the Ca Nano restaurant.
On the excursions, once equipped, the route will begin, passing through those places to the chosen
The DENIA EXPERIENCE instructors will hand out snorkelling masks to each user for snorkelling during the
DENIA EXPERIENCE only makes two trips to ensure that its users can enjoy the best conditions in the sea.
This activity is not suitable for pregnant women and children under 6 years old.
Ø Flyboard
· 3 flights voucher available – duration 20 minutes – from 190,00.-€
· Flyboard – duration 20 minutes – from 75,00.-€
Reservations of these vouchers include: Accident and liability insurance and a qualified and
experienced instructor. During the excursion, the instructor will take photos which will be passed on to the
User free of charge.
The place of departure will be from the Marina de Dénia, 03700 Dénia, Alicante.
The Flyboard voucher is subject to availability, it will not always be available on the website.
This activity does not require a licence.
This activity is not suitable for children under 16 years old, pregnant women or people with heart
The activity starts at the Marina de Dénia, 03700 Dénia, Alicante
Ø Paddle Surf Rentals
· Paddle Surf 1 hour – 17,00.-€
· Paddle Surf 2 hours – 29,00.-€
· Paddle Surf 4 hours – 45,00.-€
· Paddle Surf 8 hours – 85,00.-€
Reservations for this rental includes the best paddle surf boards. During the excursion, the instructor

will take photos which will be passed on to the user free of charge.
The duration of the Paddle Surf rental can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 hours.
This activity does not require a licence.
This activity is not suitable for children under 6 years old.
The instructor will give you the equipment and will give you a brief explanation of how to use the board,
then you will be able to surf at your own pace along the coast of Denia.
For the Paddle Surf rental the User will have to pay a deposit of 15 euros.
The activity starts at the Marina de Dénia, 03700 Dénia, Alicante
Ø Boat Rentals
· Boat Tours
– Excursion Cova tallada/ Excursions at your own pace – duration 2 hours – from 12 years
– Snorkel (minimum 4 persons) – contact DENIA EXPERIENCE
· Rent a Boat
– Solemare Boat POSEIDON – 435,00.-€ 8 hours charter/ 390,00.-€ 6 hours charter/ 325,00.-
€ 4 hours charter.
This boat requires a basic sailing licence, if you do not have a licence, you can rent the boat with skipper or
boat driver for an additional € 130,00.
The capacity is up to 12 people and the duration is a full day (12 hours) or half day (6 hours).
The boat includes: Bow Solarium, Bimini top, Bathing ladder, Fridge, Bow and stern seats, Stereo (Bluetooth
and radio), Safety and rescue equipment and Snorkelling equipment.
If the User wants to add extra equipment DENIA EXPERIENCE offers the option to add to the booking: Donut
25 €/ Board 25 €/ Triangle 25 €/ Skis 30 €/ Wake 30 €/ Kneeboard 30 €.
– Estemare Boat VENUS – 360,00.-€ 8 hours charter/ 315,00.-€ 6 hours charter/ 270,00.-€ 4
hours charter.
This boat requires a basic sailing licence, if you do not have a licence, you can rent the boat with skipper or
boat driver for an additional 130,00.-€.
The capacity is up to 12 people and the duration is a full day (12 hours) or half day (4 hours).
The boat includes: Bow Solarium, Bimini top, Bathing ladder, Fridge, Bow and stern seats, Stereo (Bluetooth
and radio), Safety and rescue equipment and Snorkelling equipment.
If the User wants to add extra equipment DENIA EXPERIENCE offers the option to add to the booking:
Donut 25 €/ Board 25 €/ Triangle 25 €/ Skis 30 €/ Wake 30 €/ Kneeboard 30 €.

– Hermes Boat – 280,00.-€ 6 hours charter/ 240,00.-€ 4 hours charter.
This boat requires a basic sailing licence, if you do not have a licence, you can rent the boat with a skipper
or boat driver for an additional € 130,00.
The capacity is up to 12 people and the duration is a full day (8 hours) or half day (4 hours) or 1⁄4 day (2
The boat includes: Bow Solarium, Bimini top, Bathing ladder, Fridge, Bathroom, Bow and stern seats, Music
system (Bluetooth and radio), Safety and rescue equipment and Snorkelling equipment.
If the User wants to add extra equipment DENIA EXPERIENCE offers the option to add to the booking: Donut
25 €/ Board 25 €/ Triangle 25 €/ Skis 30 €/ Wake 30 €/ Kneeboard 30 €.
– Medline Boat 580 AFRODITA – 260,00.-€ 6 hours charter/ 215,00.-€ 4 hours charter.
This boat requires a basic sailing licence, if you do not have a licence, you can rent the boat with skipper or
boat driver for an additional € 130,00.
The capacity is up to 10 people and the duration is a full day (8 hours) or half day (4 hours).
The boat includes: Stern seats, Music system (Bluetooth and radio), Safety and rescue equipment.
If the User wants to add extra equipment DENIA EXPERIENCE offers the option to add to the booking: Donut
25 €/ Board 25 €/ Triangle 25 €/ Skis 30 €/ Wake 30 €/ Kneeboard 30 €.
– Rat Penat Boat – 280,00.-€ 6 hours charter/ 240,00.-€ 4 hours charter.
This boat requires a basic sailing licence, if you don’t have a licence, you can rent the boat with skipper or
boat driver for an additional € 130,00.
The capacity is up to 10 people and the duration is a full day (8 hours) or half day (4 hours).
The boat includes: Bow solarium, bimini top, bathing ladder, safety and rescue equipment.
If the User wants to add extra equipment DENIA EXPERIENCE offers the option to add to the booking: Donut
25 €/ Board 25 €/ Triangle 25 €/ Skis 30 €/ Wake 30 €/ Kneeboard 30 €.
– Predator Boat 599 – 325,00.-€ 8 hours charter/ 280,00.-€ 6 hours charter/ 240,00.-€ 4
hours charter/ 250,00.-€ Sunset experience 2 hours all ages.
This boat requires a basic sailing licence, if you do not have a licence, you can rent the boat with skipper or
boat driver for an additional € 130,00.
The capacity is up to 12 people and the duration is a full day (8 hours) or half day (4 hours).
The boat includes: Bow Solarium, Bimini top, Bathing ladder, Stern seats, Music system (Bluetooth and
radio), Safety and rescue equipment.
If the User wants to add extra equipment DENIA EXPERIENCE offers the option to add to the booking: Donut
25 €/ Board 25 €/ Triangle 25 €/ Skis 30 €/ Wake 30 €/ Kneeboard 30 €.
– Nueva Jolly – 435,00.-€ 8 hours charter/ 390,00.-€ 6 hours charter/ 325,00.-€ 4 hours

This boat requires a basic sailing licence, if you do not have a licence, you can rent the boat with skipper or
boat driver for an additional € 130,00.
The capacity is up to 12 people and the duration is a full day (8 hours) or half day (4 hours).
The boat includes: Bow Solarium, Bimini top, Bathing ladder, Stern seats, Music system (Bluetooth and
radio), Safety and rescue equipment.
If the User wants to add extra equipment DENIA EXPERIENCE offers the option to add to the booking: Donut
25 €/ Board 25 €/ Triangle 25 €/ Skis 30 €/ Wake 30 €/ Kneeboard 30 €.
– Spirito Italiano Boat – 435,00.-€ 8 hours charter/ 390,00.-€ 6 hours charter/ 325,00.-€ 4
hours charter.
This boat requires a basic sailing licence, if you do not have a licence, you can rent the boat with skipper or
boat driver for an additional € 130,00.
The capacity is up to 12 people and the duration is a full day (8 hours) or half day (4 hours).
The boat includes: Bow Solarium, Bimini top, Bathing ladder, Fridge, Shower, Safety and rescue equipment.
If the User wants to add extra equipment DENIA EXPERIENCE offers the option to add to the booking: Donut
25 €/ Board 25 €/ Triangle 25 €/ Skis 30 €/ Wake 30 €/ Kneeboard 30 €.
– Matrix Boat – 865,00.-€ 8 hours charter/ 765,00.-€ 6 hours charter/ 565,00.-€ 4 hours
This boat includes the skipper, it will always be driven by a DENIA EXPERIENCE skipper.
The capacity is up to 12 people and the duration is a full day (8 hours), half day (4 hours) or sunset
experience (2 hours).
The boat includes: Bow Solarium, Bimini top, Bathing ladder, Bow and stern seats, Stateroom with
bathroom, Music system (Bluetooth and radio), Safety and rescue equipment and Paddle Surf.
– Scuba Sax Boat – 435,00.-€ 8 hours charter/ 390,00.-€ 6 hours charter/ 325,00.-€ 4 hours
This boat requires a basic sailing licence, if you do not have a licence, you can rent the boat with skipper or
boat driver for an additional € 130,00.
The capacity is up to 12 people and the duration is a full day (8 hours) or half day (4 hours).
The boat includes: Bow Solarium, Bimini top, Bathing ladder, Bow and stern seats, Music system (Bluetooth
and radio), Safety and rescue equipment, Snorkelling equipment.
If the User wants to add extra equipment DENIA EXPERIENCE offers the option to add to the booking: Donut
25 €/ Board 25 €/ Triangle 25 €/ Skis 30 €/ Wake 30 €/ Kneeboard 30 €.
* The boats up to 6m in length, have a maximum capacity of 10 people, should take into account that customers must
add the skipper who will take the boat, ie can go 9 people + skipper. We always recommend that 6 or 7 adults go on
these boats for maximum enjoyment.
The boats up to 8m in length have a maximum capacity of 12 people, must take into account that customers must add

to the skipper who will take the boat, ie, can go 11 people + skipper. We always recommend that for the greatest
enjoyment on these boats, 10 adults should be on board.
All the boats have a solarium, bimini top and ladder. You can add a portable fridge (or you can bring it with you),
portable speaker (Bluetooth connection).
The client will always have the right to accept the boat at the time of booking, but once the booking has been made, it
will not be possible to change boats.
Fort he Booking of ACTIVITIES ON SHORE the User must enter the web in «ACTIVIDADES EN TIERRA» and
select the one he/she wants to do, once selected he/she will be able to see the availability of days and
The activities that can be done at sea with DENIA EXPERIENCE are the following:
Ø Segway Tour/ Combined Segway Tours
· Segway Tour Marina Dénia – 30 min Segway Tour/ Segway Tour Las Rotas – 60 min Segway Tour
· Segway Tour Castle by Night – 80 Segway Tour (also includes: A refreshment on a terrace and the
entrance to the Castle)
· Segway Tour Castle – 70 min Segway Tour (also includes: the entrance to the Castle)
· Segway Tour Castle + Las Rotas – 57.-€ – 2 hours – (also includes: A refreshment on a terrace and
the entrance to the Castle)
· Segway Tour Castle + Port – 57.-€ – 2 hours – (also includes: A refreshment on a terrace and the
entrance to the Castle)
· Segway Las Rotas + Port – 55.-€ – 2 hours – (also includes: A refreshment on a terrace)
The meeting point will be at Segway Trip Dénia, C/ Calderón No8.
DENIA EXPERIENCE recommends that you wear the following for the contracted tour:
· Appropriate footwear, no climbing in heles or barefoot is allowed,
· Comfortable clothes
· Bottle of water
On the Segway tours you should be at the departure point 10 minutes before the tour starts.
There are civic rules of behaviour that the monitor will explain before departure. If the User is warned
several times, the activity will be terminated and the money will not be refunded.
It is compulsory to wear a helmet.
It is compulsory to sign a document between the User and the company, in which he/she accepts all the
rules set out here.
By signing this document, the user is aware of the existence of an insurance policy in case he/she has any
problems on the route.

It is not allowed to record with the mobile phone when the Segway is in motion, for the safety of the User.
Photos will be taken by the instructor or at the stops designed for taking photos.
This activity is not suitable for pregnant women or people who are not fit to ride the Segway.
The following activities include:
· Segways SE I2 and SE X2
· A 10 minute training sesión to learn how to ride a Segway
· Activity and liability insurance
· A Segway instructor guide who will accompany you throughout the tour
· Helmet for the activity
· During the excursion, the instructor will take potos which will then be passed on to the User
free of charge.

For RENTALS, the User must enter the website under “RENTALS” and select the option he/she isinterested
in renting, and once the desired option has been selected, he/she will be able to see the rental conditions.
Ø 125 cc Petrol Motorbike Rental ( Beach or Central)
The prices will vary according to the days of rental and will be as follows:
· 1 day rental – 39 €
· 2 days rental -78 €
· 3 days rental -108 €
· 4 days rental -138 €
· 5 days rental -168 €
· 6 days rental -198 €
· 7 days rental -220 €
The duration of the rental can only be from 1 to 7 days, and the rental point will be at Segway Trip Beach
Denia, C/ Consolat del mar No7.
The rental includes the 125cc petrol motorbikes, a free map of the area and the possibility of renting a
top quality helmet. The rental of the map and the helmet will be an extra charge.
– 1 day rental: helmet 2.-€ and GPS 8.-€.
– 2,3,4,5,6,7 days rental: helmet 3.-€ and GPS 16.-€.
A deposit of 200€ must be left, which the user will get back when returning the motorbike, if there is no

For the rental of our motorbikes you must sign a contract in which you agree to respect the rules of the
road and to behave civically.
For the rental of our motorbikes you must be in possession of a driving licence, either A1 or B.
Ø Bikes
– Mountain – Beach/ Mountain – Central
Prices vary according to the number of days of rental and are as follows:
· 1 day rental – 10 €
· 2 days rental -18 €
· 3 days rental -26 €
· 4 days rental -35 €
· 5 days rental -40 €
· 6 days rental -45 €
· 7 days rental -50 €
The duration of the rental can only be from 1 to 7 days, and the rental point will be at Segway Trip Beach
Denia, C/ Consolat del mar No7.
The rental includes the latest model bikes, accident insurance and a free map of the city.
If the User does not have a helmet, he/she can rent it for: 1€ per day, up to 3 days, the rest of the days
free of charge.
A deposit of 50€ is required, which the user will get back when returning the bike, if there is no damage.
The bike can be rented by the day or by the hour and the price is per bike.
The User must sign a contract in which he/she declares that he/she will respect the traffic rules.
The misuse of the bicycles will be the responsibility of the User and not of DENIA EXPERIENCE.
– High End Bike – Beach/ High End Bike – Central
Prices will vary according to the number of days of rental and will be as follows:
· 1 day rental – 16 €
· 2 days rental -28 €
· 3 days rental -36 €
· 4 days rental -45 €
· 5 days rental -52 €

· 6 days rental -59 €
· 7 days rental -65 €
The duration of the rental can only be from 1 to 7 days, and the rental point will be at Segway Trip Beach
Denia, C/ Consolat del mar No7.
The rental includes the latest model bikes, accident insurance and a free map of the city.
If the User does not have a helmet, he/she can rent it for: 1€ per day, up to 3 days, the rest of the days
free of charge.
A deposit of 100€ is required, which the user will get back when returning the bike, if there is no damage.
The bike can be rented by the day or by the hour and the price is per bike.
The User must sign a contract in which he/she declares that he/she will respect the traffic rules.
The misuse of the bicycles will be the responsibility of the User and not of DENIA EXPERIENCE.
– Touring Bike
Prices will vary according to the number of days of rental and wil be as follows:
· 1 day rental – 12 €
· 2 days rental -22 €
· 3 days rental -32 €
· 4 days rental -40 €
· 5 days rental -47 €
· 6 days rental -52 €
· 7 days rental -55 €
The duration of the rental can only be from 1 to 7 days, and the rental point will be at Segway Trip Beach
Denia, C/ Consolat del mar No7/ Segway Trip Dénia, C/ Calderón No8.
The rental includes the latest model bikes, accident insurance and a free map of the city.
If the User does not have a helmet, he/she can rent it for: 1€ per day, up to 3 days, the rest of the days
free of charge.
A deposit of 100€ is requested, which the User will get back when returning the bike, if there is no
The bike can be rented by the day or by the hour and the price is per bike.
The User must sign a contract in which he/she declares that he/she will respect the traffic rules.
The misuse of the bicycles will be the responsibility of the User and not of DENIA EXPERIENCE.

– Bike with Child Seat
Prices will vary according to the number of days of rental and are as follows:
· 1 day rental – 12 €
· 2 days rental -21 €
· 3 days rental -28 €
· 4 days rental -36 €
· 5 days rental -42 €
· 6 days rental -47 €
· 7 days rental -52 €
The duration of the rental can only be from 1 to 7 days, and the rental point will be at Segway Trip Beach
Denia, C/ Consolat del mar No7/ Segway Trip Dénia, C/ Calderón No8.
The rental includes the latest model bikes, accident insurance and a free map of the city.
If the User does not have a helmet, he/she can rent it for: 1€ per day, up to 3 days, the rest of the days
free of charge.
A deposit of 50€ is required, which the User will get back when returning the bike, if there is no damage.
The bike can be rented by the day or by the hour and the price is per bike.
The User must sign a contract in which he/she declares that he/she will respect the traffic rules.
The misuse of the bicycles will be the responsibility of the User and not of DENIA EXPERIENCE.
– Bike for Children
Prices will vary according to the number of days of rental and will be as follows:
· 1 day rental – 8 €
· 2 days rental -15 €
· 3 days rental -22 €
· 4 days rental -28 €
· 5 days rental -32 €
· 6 days rental -36 €
· 7 days rental -40 €
The duration of the rental can only be from 1 to 7 days, and the rental point will be at Segway Trip Beach
Denia, C/ Consolat del mar No7/ Segway Trip Dénia, C/ Calderón No8.

The rental includes the latest model bikes, accident insurance and a free map of the city.
If the User does not have a helmet, he/she can rent it for: 1€ per day, up to 3 days, the rest of the days
free of charge.
A deposit of 50€ is required, which the User will get back when returning the bike, if there is no damage.
The bike can be rented by the day or by the hour and the price is per bike.
The User must sign a contract in which he/she declares that he/she will respect the traffic rules.
The misuse of the bicycles will be the responsibility of the User and not ofDENIA EXPERIENCE.
– Scott High End Red/ Black/ Scott High End Green
Prices will vary according to the number of days and will be as follows:
· 1 day rental – 18 €
· 2 days rental – 36 €
· 3 days rental -54 €
· 4 days rental -72 €
· 5 days rental -90 €
· 6 days rental -108 €
· 7 days rental -108 €
The duration of the rental can only be from 1 to 7 days, and the rental point will be at Segway Trip Beach
Denia, C/ Consolat del mar No7.
The rental includes the latest model bikes, accident insurance and a free map of the city.
If the User does not have a helmet, he/she can rent it for: 1€ per day, up to 3 days, the rest of the days
free of charge.
A deposit of 100€ is required, which the User will get back when returning the bike, if there is no
The bike can be rented by the day or by the hour and the price is per bike.
The User must sign a contract in which he/she declares that he/she will respect the traffic rules.
The misuse of the bicycles will be the responsibility of the User and not of DENIA EXPERIENCE.
Ø Renting of Karts

o Individual/ family

Prices will vary according to the hours of rental and will be as follows:

· 1 hour rental – 24 €
· 2 hours rental – 32 €
· 3 hours rental -42 €
The duration of the rental can only be from 1 to 3 hours, and the rental point will be at Segway Trip
Beach Denia, C/ Consolat del mar No7.
The rental includes the newest and most up to date pedal karts, accident insurance, and a free map of
the city.
When renting the karts, the User is responsible for the rented material.
The User must sign a contract in which he/she declares that he/she will respect the traffic rules.
The misuse of the bikes will be the responsibility of the User and not ofe DENIA EXPERIENCE.
Ø Quadricycle Rental
Prices will vary according to the rental time and will be as follows:
· Medium Quadricycle for 30 minutes 2/4 PAX – 15 €
· Medium Quadricycle for 1 hour 2/4 PAX – 20 €
· Large Quadricycle for 30 minutes 2/4 PAX – 20 €
· Large Quadricycle for 1 hour 2/4 PAX – 25 €
The duration of the rental can only be half an hour or a full hour, and the rental point will be at Segway
Trip Beach Denia, C/ Consolat del mar No7.
The rental includes the quadricycle – Availability in Medium (2/4 PAX) and Large (4/6 PAX), Accident
insurance, and a free map of the city.
A deposit of 50€ is requested, which the user will get back when returning the quadricycle, if it has no
The quadricycle is rented by the hour.
The User must sign a contract in which he/she declares that he/she will respect the traffic rules.
The misuse of the bicycles will be the responsibility of the User and not of DENIA EXPERIENCE.
However, in the event of any change in the booking or rental conditions, the User will be previously
informed on the Website or by e-mail, depending on the chosen contracting channel.
Our company reserves the right to modify the departure time of the excursions.
For all activities that take place at sea, if the weather conditions are adverse, DENIA EXPERIENCE will look
for a change of day so that you can enjoy the activity to the maximum.
The parties will not be bound until the contract has been completed both in the pre-contractual and
contractual phase.

To book an ACTIVITY PACK, the User must enter the website under «PACKS DE ACTIVIDADES» and select
the activity they are interested in booking, and once the desired option has been selected, they will be able
to see the booking conditions.
The price will be per person and in order to book there will have to be a minimum of two people per pack.
The packs to be booked are as follows:
Ø Pack 01 (Segway + Kayak)
· 1 Segway Tour (Rotas or Port) + Excursion 2’30h (Kayak + Snorkelling + Speleology)
Ø Pack 01 (Segway + Kayak) with Castle
· 1 Segway Tour (Castle) + Excursion 2’30h (Kayak + Snorkelling + Speleology)
Ø Pack 02 (Segway + JetSki 40′)
· 1 Segway Tour + 40′ JetSkiing
Ø Pack 03 (Segway + JetSki 1h)
· 1 Segway Tour + 1h JetSkiing
Ø Pack 04 (Segway+Jetski 2h)
· 1 Segway Tour + 2h JetSkiing
Ø Pack 05 (Boat Excursion 1h 30min + Segway + Paddle surf 1h)
· 1 boat excursion + 1 Segway Tour + 1 Paddle surf
Ø Pack 06 (Jetski 40’+Kayak)
· 40′ en Moto de Agua + Excursión 2’30h (Kayak+Snorkelling+Speleology)
Ø Pack 07 (Jetski 1h+Kayak)
· 1h in JetSki+Excursion 2’30h (Kayak+Snorkelling+Speleology)
Ø Pack 08 (Jetski 2h+Kayak)
· 2h in JetSki+ Excursion 2’30h (Kayak+Snorkelling+Speleology)
Ø Pack 09 (Segway+Jetski 40’+Kayak)
· 1 Segway Tour + 40′ JetSkiing + Excursion 2’30h (Kayak+Snorkelling+Speleology)
Ø Pack 10 (Segway+Jetski 1h+Kayak)
· 1 Segway Tour + 1h JetSkiing + Excursion 2’30h (Kayak+Snorkelling+Speleology)
Ø Pack 11 (Segway+Jetski 2h+Kayak)
· 1 Segway Tour + 2h JetSkiing + Excursion 2’30h (Kayak+Snorkelling+Speleology)

Ø Pack 12 (Jetski 1h+Flyboard 20′)
· 1h JetSkiing + 1 Flyboard Flight of 20′
To book a STACK PARTY PACK, the User must enter the website in “DESPEDIDAS” and select the activity
he/she is interested in booking, and once the desired option has been selected, he/she will be able to see
the booking conditions.
· Pack 1 – Segway (1h) + Quadricycles (1h30m) + Lunch or Dinner + Discotheque
– Accompanying instructor during the whole Segway activity.
– Material for the activity.
– Souvenir photos.
– Meeting 20 minutes before the start of the activity in our shop.
– Brief explanation of the activity.
– Segway route for 1 hour.
– Free rental of Quadricycles for 1h 30m, for the enjoyment of the client touring the city at their own pace.
+ Discotheque
(or ask us for the one you like best in the area.)
Price Pack 1:
Activities + Lunch: Tapas, rice, drink, dessert or coffee -> 55€.
Activities + Dinner: Tapas, drink, dessert and coffee -> 62€.
If you want to complete the pack with one more lunch or dinner: Lunch +18€ / Dinner +25€.
Price for people who don’t do any activity: Lunch 20€ / Dinner 27€ / Discotheque (consult)
*If you want dinner with show, please contact us. Restaurants 200m from the discotheques.
Accomodation (extra)
Ask us if you need us to arrange accomodation for you as well
· Pack 2 – Kayak (2h 30m) + Lunch or dinner + Discotheque
– Accompanying instructor during the whole activity.
– Waistcoats and equipment for the activity.
– Souvenir photos.
– Meeting 20 minutes before the start of the activity in front of Ca Nano Restaurant (End of Las Rotas).
– Brief explanation of the activity.
– 20 min sailing to the cave, 30 min visit to the cave, 1 hour in the cave area, time for snorkelling

(including mask), 25 min sailing back.
Not included:
– Jelly shoes (mandatory).
– Water (recommended)
+ Discotheque
(or ask us for the one you lide best in the area.)
Price Pack 2:
Activities + Lunch (Option 1): Tapas, rice, drink, dessert or coffee -> 68€.
Activities + Lunch (Option 2): Salad + Tapas, drink, dessert and coffee -> 77€.
If you want to complete the pack with dinner: Dinner +25€.
Price for people who don’t do any activity: Lunch 20€ / Dinner 27€ / Discotheque (consult)
*If you want dinner with show, please contact us. Restaurants 200m from the discotheques.
Accommodation (extra)
Ask us if you need us to arrange accommodation for you
· Pack 3 – Lunch + Kayak (2h 30m) + Dinner + Discotheque
– Accompanying instructor during the whole activity.
– Waistcoats and material for the activity.
– Souvernir photos.
– Meeting 20 minutes before the start of the activity in front of Ca Nano Restaurant (End of Las Rotas).
– Brief explanation of the activity.
– 20 min navigation to the cave, 30 min visit to the cave, 1 hour in the cave área, time for snorkelling
(including mask), 25 min navigation back.
Not included:
– Jelly shoes (mandatory).
– Water (recommended)
+ Discotheque
(or ask us for the one you like best in the area.)
Price Pack 3:
Activities + Lunch (Sandwich and drink) + Dinner: Tapas, drink, dessert or coffee -> 83€.
If you want to complete the pack with a lunch: Lunch +18€.

Price for people who don’t do activities: Lunch 8€ / Lunch 20€ / Dinner 27€ / Discotheque (consult us)
*If you want dinner with show, please contact us. Restaurants 200m from the discotheques.
Accommodation (extra)
Ask us if you need us to arrange accommodation for you
· Pack 4 – Jetski (1h) + Lunch + Discotheque
– Accompanying instructor during the whole activity.
– Waistcoats and equipment for the activity.
– Souvenir photos.
– Meeting 15 minutes before the start of the activity.
– Brief explanation of the activity.
– 1h of sailing and excursion.
+ Discotheque
(or ask us for the one you like best in the area.)
Price Pack 4:
Activities + Lunch: Tapas, rice, drink, dessert or coffee -> 94€.
If you want to complete the pack with dinner: Dinner +25€.
Price for people who don’t do activities: Dinner 27€ / Discotheque (consult)
*If you want dinner with show, please contact us. Restaurants 200m from the discotheques.
Accommodation (extra)
Ask us if you need us to arrange accommodation for you
· Pack 5 – Boat (4h) + Lunch + Discotheque
– Sailing along the coast (Cabo de la Nao, Portichol Cove and Granadella).
– Waistcoats.
– Snorkelling goggles.
– Skipper of the boat.
– Fridge on board or possibility to order a portable fridge in advance.
– Souvenir photos.
– Meeting 15 minutes before the start of the activity.
– Brief explanation of the activity.
– 4 hours of sailing.

General characteristics of the boats: Semi-rigid boats from 5m to 9m length + Solarium + Awning +
+ Discotheque
(or ask us for the one you like best in the area.)
Price Pack 5:
Activities + Lunch: Tapas, rice, drink, dessert or coffee -> 95€.
If you want to complete the pack with dinner: Dinner + 25€.
Price for people who don’t do any activity: Lunch 20€ / Dinner 27€ / Discotheque (ask us)
*If you want dinner with show, please contact us. Restaurants 200m from the discotheques.
Accommodation (extra)
Ask us if you need us to arrange accommodation for you
· Pack 6 – Boat (8h) + Dinner + Discotheque
– Sailing along the coast (Cabo de la Nao, Portichol Cove and Granadella).
– Waistcoats.
– Snorkelling goggles.
– Skipper of the boat.
– Fridge on board or possibility to order a portable fridge in advance.
– Souvenir photos.
– Meeting 15 minutes before the start of the activity.
– Brief explanation of the activity.
– 8 hours of sailing.
General characteristics of the boats: Semi-rigid boats from 5m to 9m length + Solarium + Awning +
+ Discotheque
(or ask us for the one you like best in the area.)

Price Pack 6:
Activities + Dinner: Tapas, drink, dessert or coffee -> 125€.
If you want to complete the pack with a lunch: Lunch +18€.
Price for people who don’t do any activity: Lunch 20€ / Dinner 27€ / Discotheque (consult)
*If you want dinner with show, please contact us. Restaurants 200m from the discotheques.
Accommodation (extra)

Ask us if you need us to arrange accommodation for you
· Pack 7 – Quads (2h) + Dinner + Discotheque
– Instructor for the activity.
– Safety helmet.
– Meeting 15 minutes before the start of the activity.
– Brief explanation of the activity.
– 2 hours of route through countryside, mountains and secondary roads.
+ Discotheque
(or ask us for the one you like best in the area.)
Price Pack 7:
Activity + Lunch: Tapas, rice, drink, dessert or coffee -> 85€.
Activity + Dinner: Tapas, drink, dessert or coffee -> 92€.
If you want to complete the pack with one more lunch or dinner: Lunch +18€ / Dinner +25€.
Price for people who don’t do any activity: Lunch 20€ / Dinner 27€ / Discotheque (consult)
*If you want dinner with show, please contact us. Restaurants 200m from the discotheques.
Accommodation (extra)
Ask us if you need us to arrange accommodations for you.
*The conditions regarding delays, the client must be clear that whenever the delay is produced by the company the
activity and its time will not change, but must take into account that whenever the delay is produced by the client the
established hours cannot be changed and the times will be reduced and adjusted to the pre-agreed time.
All our products are equipped and updated, at any time if the customer has any questions about the product can
contact us to clarify it.
The company will always offer the product available at the time you call to make the reservation or availability query
and until the time that the reservation is not closed does not undertake to keep any place or boat.
The activities such as jet skis or quads, in vehicles will go 2 by 2, if each person who hires wants to go alone, will be
consulted in advance availability and will entail a surcharge.
The published prices include VAT(IVA) and equivalent taxes. The User will be able to know the amount of
these costs at the time of contracting the product.
DENIA EXPERIENCE reserves the right to modify the prices published on the Website when it deems
FOR STACK PARTIES: The prices established for the services offered above are per person. The company

only conditions that the minimum number of people for any of our packages is 6 people per group, and as
for a maximum we will not have established, and the customer must understand that the larger the group
the more possibilities of dividing the group according to the activity they choose. If you wish, you can
consult the conditions for large groups before confirming the reservation.
The User has the following means of payment:
Ø Credit Card (Mastercard and Visa)
Ø Online via the payment Gateway of the Website (PayPal)
Ø Sofort
Ø Bancotact
The User acquires ownership of the products upon full payment of all amounts, including shipping costs.
The risk of loss or deterioration shall pass to the User when the User or a third party indicated by the User
has acquired material possession of the goods.
8.1.- Procedure.
In order to exercise the rights of cancellation, withdrawal and use of the guarantee, the User must contact
DENIA EXPERIENCE by 96 578 08 25 or [email protected] .
8.2.- Right of Cancellation.
The User may cancel their order at no cost provided that this is communicated 48 hours in advance.
Once the established time has passed, the amount will be charged.
General cancellation conditions of BOAT RENTAL:
Customers will receive a full refund or credit with 72 hours notice of cancellation.
If you wish to make a change you may do so up to 48 hours in advance.
Ø Cancellations between 24 and 48 hours will be refunded 50% of the reservation fee.
Ø Cancellations with less than 24 hours or «No Show» will be charged the full price.
Ø Cancellations by COVID (duly documented) will be refunded in full up to the last 24 hours before
the event.

Customers will also receive a credit or full refund in the event of operator cancellation due to weather or
other unforeseen circumstances (at the operator’s discretion).
Contact us by phone to cancel or inquire about a cancellation.

In case of special conditions agreed prior to booking (in writing) these will apply instead of the general
General cancellation conditions for STACK PARTIES PACKS:
DENIA EXPERIENCE reserves the right to change or suspend the activity if the weather conditions (rain,
storms, bad sea conditions) or group conditions are not suitable (alcoholic drinks, drunkenness). In the case
of changes due to weather conditions, the company will offer the possibility of changing the activity if it is
possible for another one that the conditions do not affect it.
The refund cannot be made effective as long as the appropriate department studies the case and agrees
with the client’s allegations so as not to be able to carry out another activity or to be able to do it again at
another time. Once the refund has been agreed if the booking has been made directly with the company
Segway Trip Denia, the client will be able to recover 90% of the total, if the booking is made through a third
party, the client will be able to recover 75% of the total, all that is not recoverable for the client are the
management and occupation costs.
8.3.- Right of Withdrawal.
In accordance with art. 103 letter l of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the
Revised Text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users, «The right of withdrawal shall not
apply to contracts relating to: The supply of accommodation services for purposes other than as a dwelling,
transport of goods, car hire, food or services related to leisure activities, if the contracts provide for a
specific date or period of performance”.
8.4.- Legal Guarantee.
If the User is not satisfied with the quality of the products or services provided and wishes a refund,
temporary reduction or any other type of compensation, he/she should contact DENIA EXPERIENCE.
DENIA EXPERIENCE designates the address stipulated in the Legal Notice as the address for notifications.
The e-mail address provided by the User during the registration process will be used by DENIA
EXPERIENCE for notification purposes. All notifications made in accordance with the procedure indicated
shall be considered validly made.
In the event of litigation between the parties, the territorial jurisdiction will correspond, at the User’s
choice, to the domicile of the User or of the defendant.

Nota informativa: la presente política de privacidad deberá insertarse en una página ubicada en la parte inferior de la
web denominada “Política de Privacidad”. Todos los formularios de la web que recaben datos personales deberán

disponer de un checking de “He leído y acepto la política de privacidad”.


This privacy policy is in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and
of the Council, of the 27th of April, 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard
to the processing of personal data and free movement of these data (RGPD), to Organic Law
3/2018, of the 5th of December, Protection of Personal Data and digital rights guarantee
(LOPDGDD), as well as in what is not contrary to the regulations indicated, to the Law Organic
15/1999, Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and its development regulations, and/or those that
could replace or update in the future.
Our organisation is committed to the privacy of your personal data. The personal data provided
are necessary to provide our services and are processed in a lawful, fair and transparent way,
ensuring adequate security of them, including protection against unauthorised or illegal
processing and against loss, destruction or accidental damage through the application of technical
and organisational measures.
In this document we want to offer you, in a transparent and loyal way, all the necessary
information related to the processing of your personal data that this organisation makes.


C.I.F./N.I.E./PASSPORT.: E54852066
TELEPHONE: 965780825
E-MAIL: [email protected]


1. The personal data provided shall not be subject to any transfer unless it is stated
specifically in the specific processes.

2. Optionally, for the contracting of computing cloud services and/or services for the sending
of emails, as well as related services, the personal data can be:
– Transferred to businesses for digital services located within the European Economic Area
(EEA) or,
– Transferred to businesses for digital services located outside the EEA under the
protection of the Privacy Shield as they count on means of protection sufficient to
guarantee the security of personal data. More information available following this
3. Optionally, to administrations and other organisations when they are required in
compliance with legal obligations.


In each case of processing of personal data collected concerning yourself, we will inform you of the
legal basis that legitimises the processing of your personal data.


The right to obtain confirmation of whether or not we are proccessing personal data concerning
you, or not, and, in such case, right of access to personal data and the following information: the
purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data in question, the recipients or the
categories of recipients to whom the data were communicated or will be communicated. personal,
period of conservation or the criteria used to determine this term, the existence of the right to
request from the responsible the rectification or suppression of personal data or the limitation of
the processing of personal data relative to the interested party or to oppose such processing, the
right to present a claim before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD), the existence,
where appropriate, of automated decisions, including the preparation of profiles, when data is
transferred to third countries the right to be informed of the appropriate guarantees applied.
You have the right to request the rectification of your personal data if these are innaccurate,
including the right to complete data that is incomplete. We must bear in mind that by providing
personal data by any means, guarantees that they are true and accurate and agrees to notify us of
any change or modification thereof. Therefore, any damage caused due to a communication of
erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete information in the forms of the web, will be the exclusive
responsibility of the interested party.

It is the right to request the suppression of your personal data when, among other assumptions,
they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected, or they are being
processed differently or you withdraw the consent. It must be borne in mind that the suppression
will not proceed when the processing of personal data is necessary, among other assumptions, for
compliance with legal obligations or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.
You have the right to request that we limit our processing of your personal data, which means that
in certain cases you can ask us to temporarily suspend the processing of your personal data or
that we keep them beyond the necessary time when you may need it.
It is the right to withdraw the consent you have provided by checking «I have read and accept the
privacy policy» at any time and as specified in the corresponding section «Exercise of rights» or in
the specific processing of commercial communications or Newsletter. It must be borne in mind
that this right will not be effective if, among other cases, the processing of personal data is
necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, the execution and maintenance of a contractual
relationship, or for the formulation, exercise or the defense of claims. Likewise, the withdrawal of
consent will not have retroactive effects, it will not affect the legality of the processing based on
the consent prior to its withdrawal.
It is the right to receive the personal data that concern you and that you have given us, in a
structured format, of common use and mechanical reading, and to transmit them to another
responsible, as long as: the processing is based on your consent and is carried out by automated
or computerized media.
You have the right to oppose the processing of your personal data on the basis of our own
legitimate interest. We will not continue processing the personal data unless we can show
compelling legitimate motive for this which overrules your interests, rights and liberties, either for
the formulation, the exercising or defence of grievances.
If you suspect that we are processing your personal data incorrectly, you can contact us or you
also have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD):
You can exercise your rights by letter to the postal address indicated above or by e-mail
[email protected], attaching, in both cases, a copy of your NIF/NIE/Passport or similar



The personal data requested in each of the specific processings are adequate, pertinent and
limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed, thus
complying with the principle of data minimisation.
The personal data requested in each of the specific processings are strictly necessary, the refusal
to provide them would imply not being able to provide the requested service.
The communications of the personal data provided in each of the specific processings in some
cases are necessary for the execution and maintenance of a contract and in other cases for
compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the responsible.
In the event that this website uses online chat software, provided as a self-service to provide users with an
adequate and quick response to common questions and in improving customer services for the benefit of
users visiting the website, the following data will be subject to processing during the conversation with the
«chat bot»: the IP address and other personal data entered into the chat bot’s conversation function.
The collected data will not be used to personally identify the website visitor, and will not be merged with
personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym, unless the personal data is provided voluntarily when
using the online chat.
The legal basis for this processing is set out in Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.
Personal data will be processed to channel requests for information, suggestions and complaints from users
or customers.
The legal basis that legitimates the processing of personal data is the express consent when marking «I
have read and accept the privacy policy».
Personal data will be kept for a period of two years from the moment they stop being processed, without
prejudice to the exercise of the rights that assist them as interested.
Personal data will be processed to manage online reservations, your payments, any complaint or
claim about the services provided, identify and validate your legal age to contract, as well as for
and, where appropriate, the formulation, exercise or defense of claims
The legal basis that legitimates the processing of personal data is the express consent when
marking «I have read and accept the privacy policy».

As a necessary contractual requirement, personal data will be transferred to third companies for
the provision of advisory services to responible party. In compliance with legal obligations, the
personal data will be transferred to the State Security Forces and the Tax Administration. Likewise,
and in some cases, they may be transferred to providers of online payment services.
Personal data will be kept as long as the consent is not withdrawn, unless they should be kept for
the maintenance of the relationship between the parties or during the years necessary for
compliance with legal obligations.




Esta política de cookies es para sitios web en los que ÚNICAMENTE se utilicen cookies o
tecnologías estrictamente necesarias para poder navegar y acceder a las funciones y servicios que
ofrece nuestra web.
El aviso de cookies de navegación es una ventana que aparecerá de forma automática cuando el
usuario accede al sitio web. El aviso informa al usuario de las cookies utilizadas en el sitio web,
para que desaparezca el aviso se tendrá que pulsar en aceptar, sino el aviso permanecerá.
En el aviso habrá que existir un enlace que lleve a la Política de cookies
Para el caso de que el sitio web utilice cookies más allá de las estrictamente necesarias, se deberá
estar a las instrucciones de política de cookies para gestionar el consentimiento (opción B).


Cookies Policy

This is a translation. In case of doubt, the Spanish version will take precedence.

This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies of its own, which store and retrieve
information when you browse.
Below, you can consult the cookies and/or similar technologies used on this website.
Technical or necessary
Technical or strictly necessary cookies are those that allow the user to browse a website and use
the different options or services offered therein, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data
communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, remembering the elements
that make up an order, carrying out the purchase process of an order, managing payment, control
fraud linked to the security of the service, make an application for registration or participation in
an event, use security elements during browsing, store content for the broadcasting of videos or
sound, enable dynamic content (for example, animation of text or image loading), share content
through social networks or personalise the user interface provided that it is the user who chooses
the personalisation options that he/she wishes. The legal basis that legitimises this processing is
the execution and maintenance of the service requested by the user. These cookies will remain
active for as long as the user remains on the website.
You can consult more information about the personal data processing by accessing our Privacy



Esta política de cookies va destinada a aquellos sitios web que utilicen cookies o tecnologías
similares más allá de las estrictamente necesarias para poder navegar y acceder a cada unas de
las funciones y servicios que se ofrecen a través de la web.
El aviso se trata de una ventana que aparece cuando el usuario accede a la web, en el se informa
al usuario, a modo de resumen, de los tipos de cookies que utiliza la web y de las opciones de se
pueden dar:
· ACEPTAR: si se pulsa aceptar, se aceptaría solo las cookies necesarias.
· CONFIGURAR: si se pulsa configurar se abrirá un configurador donde el usuario configura sus
preferencias respecto a las cookies. Las cookies necesarias estarán previamente activadas.
· RECHAZAR: si se pulsa rechazar, se rechaza el uso de cookies, excepto aquéllas que estén
exentas de obtener un consentimiento informado (Sólo quedarían las cookies
En el aviso habrá que existir un enlace que lleve a la Política de cookies, en el cual nos llevará
a la Política de cookies donde se tendrán que detallar: que son las cookies, cuales utilizamos
(detalladamente), como cambiar las cookies, a quien van dirigidas las cookies de terceros.
En caso de que el sitio web utilice otro tipo de cookies, este configurador deberá adecuarse a
las cookies utilizadas en el sitio web en cuestión, incorporándolas según la información
requerida y el formato establecido.



This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies, both own and third-party cookies,
which store and retrieve information when you browse. In general, these technologies
can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as recognising you as a user, obtaining
information about your browsing habits, statistical purposes or customising the way in
which content is displayed. These cookies and/or similar technologies provide the user
with a better experience.

þ Technical or necessary (siempre activa)
Technical or strictly necessary cookies are those that allow the user to browse a website and use
the different options or services offered therein, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data
communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, remembering the elements
that make up an order, carrying out the purchase process of an order, managing payment, control

fraud linked to the security of the service, make an application for registration or participation in
an event, use security elements during browsing, store content for the broadcasting of videos or
sound, enable dynamic content (for example, animation of text or image loading), share content
through social networks or personalise the user interface provided that it is the user who chooses
the personalisation options that he/she wishes. The legal basis that legitimises this processing is
the execution and maintenance of the service requested by the user. These cookies will remain
active for as long as the user remains on the website.
o Preference ot personalization (opcional + botón activación):
Preference or personalisation cookies are those that allow information to be remembered so that
the user can access the service with certain characteristics that may differentiate their experience
from that of other users, such as, for example, the language, the number of results to be displayed
when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type
of browser through which the user accesses the service or the region from which they access the
service, etc. the duration of these cookies is the time the user remains on the website (session).
The information is stored exclusively in the user’s browser and is not used for any other reason
than to manage the user’s preferences. The legal basis that legitimises the processing is the
express consent given by the user.

o Measurement or analysis (opcional + botón activación):
Measurement or analysis cookies are those that allow the party responsible for them to monitor
and analyse the behaviour of users of the websites to which they are linked, including the
quantification of the impacts of advertisements. The information collected through this type of
cookies is used to measure the activity of the websites, application or platform, in order to
introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data of the users of the service. The
legal basis that legitimises the processing is the express consent given by the user. You can obtain
more information about these cookies, as well as their conservation period, by following the link(s)
to «Cookies policy».
o Behavioural advertising (opcional + botón activación)
Behavioural advertising cookies are those that store information on the behaviour of users
obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows a specific
profile to be developed in order to display advertising based on the same. The legal basis that
legitimates the processing is the express consent given by the user. You can obtain more
information about these cookies, as well as their retention period, by following the link(s) to
«Cookies policy».



This is a translation. In case of doubt, the Spanish version will take precedence.

1. What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files that are generated in the user’s computer and that allow us to know
the frequency of visits, the most selected contents and the security elements that may intervene
in the control of access to restricted areas, as well as the display of advertising according to
criteria predefined by SEGWAY TRIP DENIA, C.B. and that are activated by cookies served by this
entity or by third parties that provide these services on behalf of SEGWAY TRIP DENIA, C.B..
As a general rule, there are the following types of cookies.
Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and
processes the data obtained, two types can be distinguished:

· Own cookies: those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer
or domain managed by the editor itself and from which the service requested by the
user is provided.
· Third-party cookies: those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a
computer or domain that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that
processes the data obtained through the cookies.

In the event that the cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the editor
itself, but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they cannot be
considered as own cookies.
There is also a second classification according to the length of time they remain stored in
the user’s browser, they may be:

· Session cookies: designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a
website. They are usually used to store information that only needs to be kept for the
provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion (e.g. a list of
products purchased).
· Persistent cookies: the data remains stored in the terminal and can be accessed and
processed for a period defined by the cookie manager, which can range from a few
minutes to several years.

Finally, there is another classification with six types of cookies depending on the purpose for
which the data obtained are processed:

· Technical cookies: Technical or necessary cookies are essential for our website to
function correctly and include basic functionalities such as identifying the session or
giving registered users access to restricted access areas. For these reasons,
technical cookies cannot be disabled.
· Preference cookies: By using preference cookies, the website can remember
information during your browsing time associated with the way the site behaves or

looks, such as your preferred language or the region you are in.
· Statistical cookies: We use statistical cookies to see how you interact with the
website, gathering anonymous information during the time you spend browsing it.
The purpose of collecting this information is to make improvements to the website
based on the analysis of aggregate data.
· Marketing/Advertising cookies: These allow us to manage the advertising spaces
included on our website, application or platform based on criteria such as the content
shown or the frequency at which the advertisements are shown.
· Marketing cookies: Marketing cookies are used to analyse your behaviour while
visiting the website and so that, from time to time, other providers can offer you
personalised and relevant advertising based on your browsing profile.
· Cookies from external social networks: these are used so that visitors can interact
with the content of different social platforms (facebook, youtube, twitter, linkedin,
etc.) and are generated only for users of these social networks. The conditions of use
of these cookies and the information collected are regulated by the privacy policy of
the corresponding social platform.

2. Cookies that we use
From the SEGWAY TRIP DENIA, C.B. website we use cookies that have different functions:

· Technical or necessary (siempre activa)
Technical or strictly necessary cookies are those that allow the user to browse a website and use
the different options or services offered therein, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data
communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, remembering the elements
that make up an order, carrying out the purchase process of an order, managing payment, control
fraud linked to the security of the service, make an application for registration or participation in
an event, use security elements during browsing, store content for the broadcasting of videos or
sound, enable dynamic content (for example, animation of text or image loading), share content
through social networks or personalise the user interface provided that it is the user who chooses
the personalisation options that he/she wishes. The legal basis that legitimises this processing is
the execution and maintenance of the service requested by the user. These cookies will remain
active for as long as the user remains on the website.
· Preference or personalisation:
Preference or personalisation cookies are those that allow information to be remembered so that
the user can access the service with certain characteristics that may differentiate their experience
from that of other users, such as, for example, the language, the number of results to be displayed
when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type
of browser through which the user accesses the service or the region from which they access the
service, etc. The duration of these cookies is the time the user remains on the website (session).

The information is stored exclusively in the user’s browser and is not used for any other reason
than to manage the user’s preferences. The legal basis that legitimises the processing is the
express consent given by the user.

· Measurement or analysis:
Measurement or analysis cookies are those that allow the party responsible for them to monitor
and analyse the behaviour of users of the websites to which they are linked, including the
quantification of the impact of advertisements. The information collected through this type of
cookies is used to measure the activity of the websites, application or platform, in order to
introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data of the users of the service. The
legal basis that legitimises the processing is the express consent given by the user. You can obtain
more information about these cookies, as well as their conservation period, by following the link(s)
to «Cookies policy»
· Behavioural advertising
Behavioural advertising cookies are those that store information on the behaviour of users
obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the
development of a specific profile to display advertising based on the same. The legal basis that
legitimates the treatment is the express consent given by the user. You can obtain more
information about these cookies, as well as their conservation period, by following the link(s) of
«Cookies policy».
We use our own and third-party cookies. In the following table you can find all the cookies
Category/Type Name Purpose Expiration Holder

3. How to change cookies (Deactivation and deletion)
How to manage cookies from our Banner:
Within the web page, automatically, a window will open where you can decide whether you want
to accept the installation of cookies which allows them to be installed and used as provided in our
cookies policy or configure them as you wish.
The option to configure cookies will always be present at the bottom of the page in case you
change your mind.

How to manage cookies from your browser:
Most browsers allow you to view, manage, delete and block cookies from a website. Please note
that if you delete all cookies you will lose any user preferences you have set, including the ability
to opt-out of cookies, as this feature requires an opt-out cookie to be placed on your device.

Below you can see how to manage cookies in the main browsers:
Google Chrome

1. On the computer, open Chrome.
2. At the top right, click More. Settings.
3. Under «Privacy and security», click Website settings.
4. Click Cookies.
5. You will then be able to: Enable cookies: turn on the switch next to “Blocked”.
For more information, you can consult Google support or browser Help.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

1. Click on «tools» in the top corner of your Windows browser and select «internet
options» options and click again on the «Privacy» option”.
2. Make sure your Privacy level is set to Medium or lower which will allow cookies to
be used in your browser.
3. If you select an option higher than Medium, cookies will not be allowed.
For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or browser Help.

Mozilla Firefox

1. Click at the top of your browser window. Click on “Tools” and select “Options”.
2. Select the Privacy and Security icon.
3. Click on the option to allow cookies on this website.
For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or brower’s Help.


1. Click on the tools icon at the top of of your browser and select the “preferences”.
2. Click on “Privacy and security” and select the option y selecciona la opción to
Block “Prevent cross-site tracking”
3. Click “Save”.
For more information, you can consult Apple support or brower’s Help.

Further information, you can consult the video tutorials published by the Spanish Data Protection

4. Changes in the cookies policy.
This privacy notice may undergo modifications, changes or updates due to new legal

requirements. This document will always be the updated version, adapted to the new
Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by
sending an e-mail to [email protected] .

5. Data processing and exercise of rights.
The personal data we collect through the use of cookies will be processed by SEGWAY TRIP DENIA,
Your personal data will be processed for the purpose indicated in each of the cookies identified in
the table above. This personal data will be processed on the basis of your consent.
You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition, as well as the right
to limit the processing, the right to the portability of your data and the right not to be subject to
automated decisions, by proving your identity by means of ID card or equivalent via email to
[email protected] .
You may revoke the consent granted for each type of cookie at any time and through our cookie
settings panel.
If you consider that SEGWAY TRIP DENIA, C.B. has not respected any of the aforementioned rights,
you have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

6. To whom your data will be communicated
In general, the user data collected through the cookies of this website will not be transferred to
third parties.
However, due to the use of third party cookies, it is possible that the data collected may be
transferred outside the European Union, due to the fact that these cookies may be hosted outside
the European Economic Area.
These cookies that may be hosted outside the EU are as follows:


You can find out more about how we process your personal data by accessing our Privacy Policy.